December 7, 2011

The Environment!

                                        To pour or not to pour a concrete driveway?

          My friend Star Eaker, modern women of the world she is, has a lot of trees. She also has a creek gravel driveway, that is slightly hard to walk on. Big nice house, creek gravel driveway?  When I asked why she didn't put in concrete, as it was obvious that she could afford it. She said it was because of the trees. She had 2 located within 8 feet of the now gravel drive. It's surprising how you don't take things into account the way other people do sometimes. She didn't want that concrete drive because it might affect or even kill the trees. They wouldn't get water all the way around and would not grow as strong a root system. Good for her. Being in construction for most of my life I am used to seeing the bare lots we build on. I've tried to keep my "Green Meter Pegged but I just grew up in different era. I was glad to get a different point of view. I think I'll actually give customers the option of what kind of drive they would like. Of course most home owners associations make concrete a standard thing these days. They may have to change their thinking too!
                                                             Thank you Star!

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