November 30, 2011

Real Estate declines for 3rd consecutive month!

          As we all know this market is a tough nut to crack. Due to the current Democratic Administration's policies against business, no one is sure of their job anymore. The only jobs open are for $10.00 an hour or less. And THEY STILL WON"T SECURE THE BORDER, and send the illegals home. Those things Obama does to keep us from being successful and  course the mortgage mess that Killed real estate, has has our economy stuck in neutral. You remember the old Bill (Cigar) Clinton who lowered the mortgage loan standards, resulting in all this mess. Well, it's killed Real Estate deader than a doorknob. Democrats keep your grubby communist hands off the FREE MARKET.
          And now we get the news that the real estate market has declined again for the 3rd month in a row.
          Theres still a few Gay Liberals still supporting the Kenyan but they are falling fast. I wonder why he doesn't do whats good for America and just decline to run. Lyndon Johnson knew he wasn't going to get elected and didn't run. Is Obama so insulated from whats going on that he still thinks people en-mass are going to vote for him again? Surely someone around him is telling him the truth. Barrack you don't have a Tinkers chance in hell.
          I know plenty of people in Real Estate and Construction who are trying to hang on, and just keep food on the table.  Three months in decline and the band plays on. Here comes old man winter. Wonder if Hussien has taken up fiddling like Nero, when Rome burned.

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